Auroora garden planning and tracking
Auroora garden planning and tracking
We added a new page to keep track of plants we have planted and the overall plan seen in the image above.
Read moreThe climate and environmental disaster we face won't be solved without a change in lifestyle. Saving the earth should be part of everything we do. We want to pass on a thriving, vibrant planet to future generations. A lifestyle that includes locally sourced products, regenerative agriculture, and smart resource use is essential, but we need to make it easy for people.
Read more.The adoption of sustainable technologies enables a future where progress and environmental protection go hand in hand. Open source and green innovations represent a collaborative step forward, emphasising collective wisdom and shared responsibility.
Read more.The purpose of Koto Co-op, as a not-for-profit organisation, is to use growth to enable more and more people to participate in change. We hope that by helping people and the earth, we will make profit that will be recycled to help more people. With this positive feedback we want to make sure that enough people can escape the capitalist system and the earth can be saved.
Read more.Our main investment currently is a place called 'Auroora'. It is an old school building located in Rääkkylä, Finland. Read more.
We added a new page to keep track of plants we have planted and the overall plan seen in the image above.
Read moreEnglish version below.
Yhteisömme keskittyy luomaan niukkuuden jälkeistä lahjataloutta, ja olemme sitoutuneet tukemaan toisiamme löytämään tarkoituksen ja merkityksen työssämme. Rakennamme yhteisöä, joka perustuu kestävyyden, avoimuuden, permakulttuurin, vegaaniuden, tieteellisen maailmankuvan ja avoimen lähdekoodin teknologian periaatteisiin. Lue lisää täällä https://kotocoop.org/model/
Read moreWe updated the website content to hopefully better explain what Koto co-op is. You can find it at here.
Read moreAre you interested in being involved with Koto Co-op? Here are the steps you can take regarding that: