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Hybrid organizations as gateways for capital flow to post-scarcity economy

The ultimate challenge for post-scarcity movement is the question of transition. How can we move from a capitalistic economy to a moneyless post-scarcity economy? One key element of this question is the transition of capital and resources. How could valuable things like machinery and property move from money based markets to post-scarcity markets. To ensure long-term success, this transfer of capital should be sustainable, which means that it has to be stable and non-violent. So, to enable a stable transition to a post-scarcity economy we will need a working solution for transferring capital from the money market to a post-scarcity economy. That would enable a post-scarcity economic system that could grow at the capitalistic market’s expense. In this text we will take a look at a possible answer for this challenge.

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Story of Koto


Some time after 2015 in TZM/TVP spaces, mostly on Facebook, there was a few discussion threads about how we can actually create the transition to RBE. A facebook group called “transition phase to RBE/Finland” played a big role.

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Koto Co-op organization structure and guidelines


The core of organizational structure of Koto Co-op is to have a horizontal power hierarchy, self-organization and autonomy of teams and units while having the economy of Co-op staying sustainable. Basic guideline is that Co-op administration does not control the teams or the units but when needed it will intervene. Co-op administration handles the wealth and public relations of the Koto project but otherwise teams and units are free to organize as they please. If there is a problem regarding money or conflict between people that cannot be resolved without intervention of Co-op administration then it will come in to try to resolve these issues.

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